Spirit Led: Faithfulness in the little

Yesterday I took my daughter to the Emergency room. She has a bladder infection, that needed to be addressed. We get to the ER and the story of my life! My 10 month old pooped, but not just any poop, it's all up his back and his clothes is ruin.

Juggling two kids. One who needs medical attention, and one who is in a desperate need, of a bath! LOL This is the norm, for this mom of seven children! Hahahaha

Now, my oldest is walking down the ER holding his brother in arm distant from his clothes! All eyes was on him, with huge smiles and giggles! 

As we made our way back to a room . We pass a baby grand piano. A beautiful sight placed in the Emergency room waiting area. After my daughter was discharge. Javier immediately ran back to play the piano. As he began to play, people stopped and listen. A pregnant couple, took a seat. People entering the ER, took a moment to stop and listen. He brought a melody of joy to
the place by the grace of God!

Just the other day, he was a kid, trying to learn the piano. Yesterday, he played and bless the hearts of many! Thank you Jesus!!

Luke 16:10
10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

God is always Faithful to His word!


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