
The cashier at Walmart grabbed my hand! While returning my check and my receipt into my hand, she paused and held my hand tightly, and said...

You have a beautiful family!!

Kids hanging off the grocery cart . Toddler running away with candy! It could easily be an overwhelming moment . But through it all of having seven kids, I always appreciate a warm and welcoming comment!

Her words meant so much more then just having a beautiful family! It was something to actually stop, and pondering on!

I appreciate my husband who works hard to provide for his home, by only God's wisdom and strength!

I appreciate my children, their willingness to help out, and the joy that they bring to our home!

Appreciate my family! I would not trade what I have, for anything in this world! 

I thank God for allowing her to says these words to me! It made me appreciated my family even more!

God is good and I have no complaints ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Well for today at least! Hahahahaha


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