Growing in Christ: Returning Home

Angel flew away! My daughter Resham has a homing pigeon, who we had raised, since she was a baby! 

Daily Resham, had been teaching her to recognize her home. Grooming her, for her first flight away from home.

Well, Angel flew off for the very first time, and did not come back home! 

The first day, I kept a watch for her, and even said a prayer for her, but no bird! The second day, the same thing! Day three, came and went, and still no, Angel. :(

Well, after not seeing her for three days; I just gave up on that little bird! But, I guess was in for a great surprise...

When my family and I had return from running errands . There outside waiting for us was Angel! Angel had return home!!! Hallelujah!

That day, I was reminded how my daughter's patients, love, and training had paid off! Angel return home! Just like raising our children in Christ! If you train them well in the Lord! They will always return home to Jesus! 

Proverbs 22:6 
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Goooood morning King Jesus! Gooood morning Family and friends!



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