Be Still...

The beauty of being still, is that in your stillness God can be heard, and move fully in our life's.

Often times, I find myself not taking the time to be still in the presences of the Lord. When I become caught up in being to busy, a tugging of my heart will start! I then purposely set some time apart to spend with Jesus❤️

Be Still...
Be still and hear what the spirit of the living God has to say!

Be still,  and place every care into God's hands!

Be still and know, that you know, that He is God!

In those quiet times that I purposely set aside for Christ. I am allowing God to speak to me. For in those quiet times, Great Revelations are revealed, and battles are always won!

Psalm 46:10 
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

It's Wednesday, another day to enjoy God's Blessing! Love Sis Rashida ❤️🙏🏾


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