Spiritual Coffee: imperfection to God perfection!

Ohhhhh I know my mother, is not going like this devotion for today! (laughs)!

First I like to say, I love my mommy! She is my best friend, the one I turn to for wise counseling, she is my mom! Their is no other, like my mommy:))

My mom loves to take pictures. We have nicknamed her, Facebook paparazzi! LOL

However, I do not like the pictures she takes of me, they just always come out, in my opinion horrible. LOL My mother always reassures me on how pretty I look, but I like to say she sees me as a miracle, and a blessing that was giving to her thirty-five years ago. I see every imperfection!

God sees us as a miraculous creation, that He has carefully knit together, in our mother's womb.

His miraculous work, that took nine months to create. From designing our fingers, toes, eyes, and face. God has designed, each of us to His perfection .

So as I look in the mirror and see many flaws. My mother' s words reminds me of this verse...

Psalm 139:14
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

I still rather take, my own pictures, of myself! LOL


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