Just ask in faith


Oh boy was this going to be a day of waiting around! Yesterday, I had to go to the County Clerks’ office and the Dmv. If anyone is familiar with Kentucky, they don’t make it simple for us, but you have to go to two separate buildings ! LOL

Well, shamefully my vehicles’ tags had just expired and my driver’s liscense would follow soon mid February! So with no choice but to suck it up and go, I went! While driving down there, I am praying, Lord please don’t let it be a long wait!

I get there and only four people in line Hallelujah!!! Had about a thirty minute wait and was done with my new driver’s liscense! I have to say my massacre was on point, in my photo!😂😂

Off to the next location! Now I am like, Jesus I did seen that line many of times these past few months and it is always long! I need to get in and out. I get there and there is NO ONE in line!! 😂😂 Peek my head in thinking this can’t be right, and the clerk says, “I can help you right over here”!

Let me just remind you, that God does care about the little things in our life! He really does! With everything going on around us, I am reminded of these verses...

James 4:2-3
2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God

God just wants to ask Him! For healing, deliverance, for needs being met! He wants us to come to Him in faith, that He is the answer to it all!

Today, I hope it encourages you to know that God does care ! Hold on to these verses here...

1 John 5:14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

God Bless, Rashida Singh


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