
There is a scripture that says, in Proverbs 3:24
“When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.”

For the past few days, I have been listening to a rain and thunder sound app on my iPhone . I love falling asleep listening to a heavy thunderstorm, and rain. The crackling of the lighting, dancing across the midnight sky, and the sounds of the rain pouring down on the rooftop, as if a thousand horses were racing across the roof, is relaxing to my soul. It always seems to be able ease me into a gentle sleep.

The only problem I have had, is that I would constantly wake up to the sounds, and then slowly drift off back to sleep. Don’t get me wrong! I enjoy every moment of a good, ole pour down of rain, and cracking whips of thunder, but with work in the morning. I like to stay asleep.

One night I decided to put on one of my favorite pastors. I placed my iPhone on top of my dark chocolate ottoman, and then allowed the sound of preaching, to played happily throughout my home.
That night I had the best sleep ever! I woke up the next morning, completely refreshed, and surprised! Not one time, had I woken up! It reminded me of the scripture above .... “He gives his beloved sweet sleep”.

The word of God had played gently throughout the night. Filling the atmosphere of my home with powerful words of sound teaching and giving rest to my soul.
Next time you find yourself, having a hard time staying asleep. Try the comfort of listening to the word of God. I tell you what, there is no other comfort, like it!

Have a Bless night in Christ, Love Sis Rashida


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