Moving forward...

You can not move forward in life by living in the past. As I was walking home from work tonight it was pretty chilly outside. I had forgotten my jacket at home and knew it would be another brisk walk home.

As each foot steps, were placed in front of each one another. I was getting closer and closer to my nice warm home . This is just like life, walking backward will never get you to the place of peace and comfort you are seeking, will only cause you to trip and get stuck in misery!

We were not design to hold onto pass hurts ! We were not designed to relive over and over the things that hurt us in the past. We were design to keep moving forward!

Philippians 3:13
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

Today, if you living in the past, if your constantly replying things that were said and done to you that have hurt you. Let it go and start moving forward again. The Bible says to cast every burden, every care upon Christ for He cares for us.

Let God heal those broken areas of your life. Don’t live another day stuck in the past!


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