Growing in Christ: Give Thanks

My oldest son Javier. He often, shares many stories with me. On how his job went for the day. As a security guard, he not only secures the  premises, where he works at. But he also lends a helping hand, and opens the door for many people coming into the building, at his work place.

Today, my son spoke of a few people walking through the door, in which he held open. These very few walked in without a smile,  or a word of gratitude! My response was, just shut the door in their face!! Nooooo, I am just kidding! Hahahahaha

I expect him to continue to be kind and do his job 100% and more! Often time we as Christians are like this! Christ opens many doors for us in our life! From healings, needs being met, answers to prayers ...Etc.

However, we never stop to say a simple thank you! To bow our heads in prayers, and thank the One who does it all in our life! Or even lift our hands and worship the God who gives us the breath of life! We walk through life, like those men and women with an ungrateful heart; or full of excuses of why we can't stop and say thank you, Jesus!

Today, set aside time to spend with God! God has open many doors in our life! Why not spend some time with Jesus, Just to say Thank you, Lord!

Ephesians 5:20 
giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Have a bless day in Christ! Love Sis Rashida


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