Growing in Christ: Offenses

Proverbs! Proverbs! Proverbs! The book of God`s wisdom!

Proverbs 19:11 The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his GLORY is to overlook a transgression.

Proverbs 19:11 (MSG)
11 Smart people know how to hold their tongue;
their grandeur is to forgive and forget.

Christians often get look upon as door mats, to the world, when we overlook offenses. To simply put it, we are not ignorant to things people do or say to us, but WISE enough to choose to handle it God`s way.... Rather being quick to pick up God`s peace, then stir the pot of offenses.

Offenses will always come, " Always"! Give it over to God, forgive, forget, and let God fight every battle.

Have a bless day in Christ, Love Sis Rashida


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