Just do what God says...

It’s was that time again yesterday! BIBLE STUDY with 7 out of 8 kids!

I think God Likes to try my patience allot. Just to see, if I am still bearing the fruits of the spirit. (LOL) With a few streaks of added grey hair, I finally had them all gathered around the couch. Giggles, smiles, and a six months old tugging at my bible. As I desperately try to turn the pages clutched in his grasp ! Finally!! We are in the book of John...

And it reads...
John 2:3-6 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”4 “Woman,why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

5 His mother said to the servants, “Do WHATEVER he tells you.”

God wants to do miracles in our life just as He did His very first miracle of turning water into wine. I often wonder does God care about the simple, and little things in our life? Well, this scripture answers it with a FIRM, YES!

God wants to do so much in our life and all we need to do, is do what He says! Mary, the mother of Jesus knew, that if we Just do whatever, He tells us do to, we will see the hands of God move!

It takes faith to obey, even when we can not see the solution to the problem! Will, you allow Him to do a miracle in your life?

Then do as Mary said in the book of John! Whatever Christ ask you to do, Just do it!

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the mighty name of Jesus! Lord, I thank You as we are obedient to Your word, doors will be open and miracles will take place! Lord, we have faith, and trust that you are the answer to every situation in our life! You are the way maker, miracle worker and promise keeper! Today, we soften our hearts to your voice and obey! In Jesus mighty, name I pray, Amen.

Have a Bless day Love Sis Rashida ❤️


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