Raising my children in Christ

What a blessing to be a mother and the opportunity to raise my children in Christ. Daily I am teaching my children that God has called us Christians to be the light in this world of darkness. To do good even in the midst of evil. To choose to serve God, even when family and friends choose to do otherwise.

We are in the last days here on earth and the returning of Christ Jesus draws near! I want to see my entire family, ready for His return. The Bible teaches we do not know the day or the hour but we do know the season. We are to stay ready!

Daily, as a family we dig in this word, and daily we renew our mind. If you have children keep sharing this gospel, keep praying for them ! God has a hold of their hearts.

Scripture reading for today...

Psalm 89:15-16  (NKJV)
15 Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!
They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance.
16 In Your name they rejoice all day long,
And in Your righteousness they are exalted.


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